Send my Project via Email

Quickly send your project where it needs to be. Learn how to instantly send your movie.

In the Thumbnails view, click on export options or press CTRL+E. When the export options box appears, after you have selected a format, go to the destination tab and tick Email. Then options for email will come up for you to configure.

Use will allow you to choose an email client: Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus Notes or SMTP server (you will be able to enter the SMTP server details by clicking Edit SMTP settings).

Recipient is where you will fill in the email address you want to send your project to. Subject is the simply the title of your email. In Body you can type out a message or leave a default message. You can also click Zip files to compress all files for faster sending and downloading.Click OK to save your settings or Export to save your settings AND send your project or movie to the email address you filled in.