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Home > Timeline > Hide/Attach/Lock Object

Hide/Attach/Lock Object

Go to Transformations/Objects/Marks window and select the Objects tab to adjust any of the following options:

  • Lock(Canvas and Timeline)
    In the Objects tab, you can "lock" the objects in a scene so that they cannot be edited or moved accidentally.Click on the "Objects" icon at the top and all of the objects in your scene will be displayed. Select the object to be locked by clicking on it in the list--"lock" it by clicking on the lock-shaped icon next to its description. With this lock in place, you can no longer move, adjust or edit this the object on the canvas or in the Timeline. This is a safety measure to prevent you from accidentally moving something you didn't intend to.
  • Visibility(Design time)
    You can also set an object's visibility in a scene to either 'ON' or 'OFF' -- for example, you can have an object not display, without actually deleting it. Click on the "Objects" icon at the top and all objects in your scene will be displayed. Select the object you want by clicking on it in the list, then click on the first black dot next to its description-- turning this into a red X. By doing so, you'll notice that the object disappears in the canvas. This is how the visibility is set to 'OFF' without actually deleting the object.
  • Attach
    Selecting the 'Attach' dot will cause any object (eg. a balloon) to be attached to the scene. 'Attaching' an object will stick this to the background image -- such that the coordinates (left, top) of the object will be relative to image and not the canvas.

Note : The 'visibility' and 'attach' properties are not available with audio objects.

See also